Best Pensions Provider – Senegal

Par Le 26/11/2015

Best Pensions Provider – Senegal

Assurance des Travailleurs du Senegal (ATS)


Stand First

Founded in 2014, the ATS was born from a social initiative, a vision of Senegalese realities, validated by the Fondation de France. It is a specialised company in sustainable development based around the retirement of workers in general in both professional and labour industries. The group’s representative Becaye Guindo was forthcoming with his insights into the areas the firm specialises in and the work they engaged in which allowed them to win this award.

Africa corp ex awards 2015 coverafrica-corp-ex-awards-2015-cover-.pdf (1.38 Mo)

Africa corp ex awards 2015 assurance des travailleurs du senegal 1africa-corp-ex-awards-2015-assurance-des-travailleurs-du-senegal--1.pdf (8.17 Mo)

Assurance des travailleurs du senegal press releaseassurance-des-travailleurs-du-senegal-press-release.docx (142.17 Ko)


France and Senegal in particular are bound by social security Convention of March 29, 1974, entered into force on 1 September 1976, as amended by amendment No. 1 of December 21, 1992.


In joint implementation of domestic legislation and Senegalese legislation, the French who are workers in Senegal are generally found in one of three situations:

  • workers posted within the contractual framework or as part of domestic legislation;
  • workers who are no longer subject to French diet because they are not loose and that treaty provisions are applicable;
  • Ex-patriate workers.


We specialise in the retirement of workers by offering three different packages. The ATS intends to give employees the right to freely choose one that suits them best. The variety of options is strengthened by collaboration with reliable partners, especially those working in the tourism sector. 


Insurance of Senegal Workers also works closely with local and international performances. This financial institution is primarily distinguished by its special consideration of Senegalese who work without being reported, yet a taboo subject before. The vision of the Workers of Senegal Insurance,as with any business, always comes down to the satisfaction of the public. 


The policy of the ATS is marked by our innovative methods.Thus we aim to open our services to all workers in Senegal. For this, we also offer insurance deals for those working without being declared. The consideration of this type of work was previously a question that did not interest many people. 


Of course,Public satisfaction can also be guaranteed through collaboration with and between interested parties and partners. This collaboration allows the Senegal Workers' Insurance to perfect, over time, its benefits and packages. Our, inter alia, the partnership with Travel Insurance Schengen opens a promising future prospect for the public. 


Although the task we have set ourselves is daunting, it is not futile as we remember that any foreign national who intends to stay in the Schengen area must take, from an authorized operator, medical expenses insurance contract, hospitalisation and repatriation assistance. There are also partnerships with other professional areas such as the tourism sector. 


Additionally,our, inter alia, cooperation with IOSA acts with the purpose of being a collaboration with the already established tourism sector professionals and primarily attempts to promote and facilitate travel within and outside of Senegal borders. 


With the constant expansion of the ATS areas of action, it would not be surprising to see, in the future, our working with consultants and agencies in entrepreneurship. It is among these considerations, as well as with other things important to know how to write abusiness plan credible and stable insurance contract.


The benefits of the deals offered by the Senegal Workers Insurance

In summary, Senegal Workers Insurance offers three different packages. Each employee can make his choice and reflect on the one that suits him best. The first is the ATS pack. The insured pay ATS 15,000 CFA Fr per month. In all, there will be a pension insurance in the amount of 100,000 CFA Fr. The amount of the contribution is thus 15% of the amount collected for retirement. This contribution of FCFA 15,000 is still to be paid after retirement, but the monthly amount collected will then be 85,000 FCFA. Then there is the social pack. The amount of the fee is 30,000 CFA francs per month for a pension 100 000 FCFA.


After retirement, the amount of the contribution does not change. But the amount collected monthly drops to 70,000 FCFA. The last pack, said retired pack allows you to choose the amount to be paid monthly, that is to say, precisely between 4000 and 10 000 FCFA. Obviously, the amount collected will then be determined by that of the contribution paid. In sum, the Workers' Insurance Senegal intends obviously attract the attention of entrepreneurs in Senegal, and especially that of their employees


Our major concern is to increase the purchasing power of all of Senegal’s socio-economic players. This means that more of the countries inhabitants have the ability to buy and sell services within the country to benefit our development of a stable economic community. To achieve this end we provide various benefit and incentive packages developed and delivered by our organisation to promote the future of Senegalese society.


ATS, as part of its expansion, and its subsidiary welcome partner companies that develop the same activities or products, for a distinguished collaboration.


These last ten years have seen the emergence of new communication technologies at the forefront of technology. This advance was steadfast in many sectors especially regarding the economy. The rise of these New Information Technologies and Communication has had many positive impacts on the economic sector internationally.


New communication technologies have contributed to the development of the international economy. In several countries, the figures are unanimous. There has been an increase in GDP through these new means of communication. Significant changes occurred in the field of entrepreneurship. The ICTs are a growing market; it is a business that works well.


 Moreover, these communication tools are used daily by the majority of the world population. This results in a timeliness of information flow and commercial exchanges. The ICTs are a lever for economic development. The effects of computerisation have been positive, and this, for the global economy. With a good business plan and thanks to NTICS, companies have more opportunities to grow internationally. This creates a direct impact on the global economy, as trade is liberalised with internet and other modern means of communication.


A growing number of SMEs have emerged through the development of ICTs. These small businesses play a crucial role in the national and international economy. A clear improvement in working conditions and higher productivity are among the impacts resulting from the boom of new communication techniques. Businesses are created every day by the hundreds on the canvas. Many of them are carrying considerable income. There are also job creation was one of the direct impacts of advances in the world of communication. You can use these new communications technologies, including the internet to find the best advice SMEs. Through the use of ICTs, SMEs increase their capacity for internal communication, which ensures them a guarantee of evolution. However, competition is fierce and it is of paramount importance for a beginner entrepreneur to establish a good strategy to make a name in this field. The use of the Internet and network communication to broadly boosted the turnover of SMEs that took advantage of these new opportunities.


The Senegalese social security scheme for salaried workers covers all risks except sickness and unemployment. The self-employed are not covered by the social security system. However, they can voluntarily adhere to risk accidents.


The disease risk is not guaranteed under the Social Security Code (73.37 Law of July 31, 1973) but in the provisions of the Labour Code resulting from Law No. 75-50 of 3 April 1975 (on institutions Social Security Fund - IPM).


Employers are obliged to affiliate their employees from a provident fund to guarantee them health coverage.


The institutions of social welfare (IPM) include all or part of the staff of one or more companies are made to employees and their families. Their creation is authorized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The competent authority may compel a social security scheme for non-group plan members.


This system is run by two institutions under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security which have the status of social welfare institutions and manages the branches of family benefits, prevention and compensation for industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The Social Security Fund has 14 branches including 87 regional facilities, two centres of maternal and child health, one medical clinic and a family planning unit in Kolda.


Senegal is located in the western most part of Africa’s Sahel region and has a national territory that spans 196,722 km². Its population is estimated at 14.3 million, 40.3% of which live in urban zones according the latest 2013 population census.


Senegal is one of the most stable countries in Africa, and has considerably strengthened its democratic institutions since its independence from France in 1960. Senegal has had three peaceful political transitions with four presidents: Leopold Sedar Senghor (1960-1980), Abdou Diouf (1981- 2000), Abdoulaye Wade (2000- 2012), and since March 2012, Macky Sall.


The next presidential election is expected in 2019. However, President Sall has planned to propose a referendum in 2016 to shorten his term from seven to five years. If the change is adopted, a presidential election will be organized in 2017.


Senegal aspires to become an emerging country by 2035. However, it has been stuck in a low-growth equilibrium since 2006. Over the last decade Senegal has been outperformed by Sub-Saharan Africa which grew at an average rate of 6% whereas growth in Senegal averaged only 3.3% since 2006. Senegal also performed poorly as compared with non-resource rich Sub-Saharan countries. Moreover, while output per capita grew slowly, the volatility of growth was greater than that of other West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries. Within Senegal, poverty remains high at 46.7% according to the 2011 Poverty household survey, and the number of poor has risen during the 2006-2011 period. Given an estimated annual population growth of 2.5%, gross domestic product (GDP) growth remains well below the rate necessary for significant poverty reduction.


In 2014, growth began to trend upward, however expansion remained sluggish. GDP growth rose in 2014 to an estimated 4.7%, its highest pace since 2008. Services continued to be the most dynamic sector (+5.6%), but the secondary sector, led by construction, has improved significantly, increasing by 4.9% after declining in 2013. Erratic rainfall once again led to a disappointing harvest, with rain fed cereals production down 20%, although production in irrigated rice improved by 28%. As a result, 30% of rural households are estimated to face food insecurity and more than 55% of those households are poor.


The Senegalese economy should continue to accelerate in 2015 and 2016. The rebound in agriculture coupled with the end of the Ebola epidemic will benefit the national economy. Economic activity will be further strengthened by lower oil prices, reduced production costs, and electricity subsidies. Overall, real GDP is expected to grow at 5% in 2015 and projected at around 5.3% for the 2016-17 period, with the economy driven mainly by the services sector, particularly telecommunications and financial services.


Favourable weather conditions are expected to positively impact the harvest, boosting agriculture production by a projected 5.5%. The rising production of horticulture goods will continue to bolster growth and diversification of the agricultural sector.


The uncertainty created by slower implementation of reforms to curb unproductive public consumption, and delays in raising expenditure efficiency could hamper implementation of the Government’s strategy for an emerging Senegal, known as the “Plan Senegal Emergent” (PSE). Sluggish policy implementation in the energy and agriculture sectors could also depress growth and the limited absorption capacity regarding the precautionary reserve of investment projects might slow down growth in 2016 and beyond. The risk of possible elections in 2017 could also test the Government’s resolve to maintain fiscal discipline in the medium term.


An unfavourable investment climate, costly energy, and weak governance systems have prevented the private sector from stimulating the economy. External shocks and natural disasters have also slowed growth and increased the vulnerability of the entire economy.


In addition, poor management of exports such as peanuts, seafood, and phosphates have slowed growth. The tourism sector, which has substantial potential, has been neglected. In order to strengthen the Senegalese economy and increase its resilience to internal and external shocks, more efforts are needed to diversify the economy in the areas of horticulture, mining, telecommunications, and manufacturing.


The new government has developed an ambitious program that prioritizes diversification and exports. The Emerging Senegal Plan or “Plan Senegal Emergent” (PSE) aims to increase the productivity of Senegal’s economy in the public and private sectors. However, current plans to accelerate public investment will test the authorities’ ability to improve the quality of projects, and could lead to higher debt without commensurate positive impact on GDP.


Poverty remains high in Senegal, affecting 46.7% of the population. GDP growth is well below the rates necessary for significant poverty reduction, and a growing reliance on capital-intensive exports rather than labour-intensive sectors limits the creation of new jobs. Repeated shocks in recent years have further hampered progress, with poverty incidence decreasing only by 1.8 percentage points between 2006 and 2011, and the number of poor actually increasing to reach 6.3 million in 2011.


Inequality in Senegal is moderate, and slightly lower than the Sub-Saharan African average. However, geographic disparities are very pronounced, with almost 2 out of 3 residents poor in rural areas, especially in the south, versus one in four in Dakar. Progress has been made on access to education, but a significant number of youth only go to Koranic schools that are not aligned with the public school curriculum. Child begging related to some of these schools remains a problem, notably in Dakar. More broadly, a majority of the Millennium Development Goals will not be achieved.


To promote the welfare and human capital of the poorest, President Sall has committed to accelerating the roll out of the National Family Security Transfer Program (Programme National de Bourses de Sécurité Familial) to include 150,000 households before the end of 2015. 

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New to ATS

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Company: Assurance des Travailleurs du Sénégal

Name: Bécaye Guindo


Web Address:

Address: Cité Mourtada 2, Extension, 106, Dakar SENEGAL

Telephone: 76 285 6519 / 70 113 29 07


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